CD players in $2K range with balanced output

Whats out there in the market in that range, preferably new only, rather skeptical of buying a used source. From my understanding there is not much to choose from in that range.

thanks for the input
The Consonance CD2.2 would be my recommendation. I bought one based on a number of reviews and listening tests at some of the local audio stores. I am very happy with it. If I was going to trade up, it would be only for a Resoultion Audio Opus 21, which is quite a bit more money.
You should be able to find a BAT VKD5 player at the $2K price point used. Tube roll to your heart's content, balanced and single-ended outputs. Don't fear buying used.
Bigger bang-for-the-buck.

HDCD decoding is an added bonus.

I had this player for a long time, it's easy to listen to and hard to fault.


Paul :-)
Get a Gamut CD1R or CD1S or CD1 MK II, these are awesome out the balanced out but be prepared for 4volt output instead of a 2volt. Extremely underrated player that is wonderfully musical with very nice detail. Never Fatiguing
You want new, but if you are willing to go used, the Audio Research CD-3 can be had for +/-$2,000. It is said to sound particularly good when run balanced.

For whatever it's worth, here is the link to former Stereophile editor Wes Phillip's review:
I agree with Cytocycle that the Gamut is a superb player. I own the CD-1R and although you'd never guess from it's looks, it is state of the art. I put it against my Levinson 390S and it held it's own. A player I could live with for a long time. An excellent value.