508 18 bit upgrade or just add a dac, benchmark?

Just got a Meridian 508 18 bit. I got it as an upgrade from my vernerable NAD 540. I was hoping that the Meridian would be a warmer, fuller, richer sound with more bass. Although it is a bit warmer than the NAD it is still not as full and warm as my uncle's Meridian 506 16 bit.

My system is a bit on the bright side (I think it may have more to do with the room acoustics than the components...hardwood floors). Some of my favorite punk rock sounds a little compressed without much seperation. While the Meridian is a little more relaxed than the NAD It needs to be more smooth to make long listening enjoyable. And the bass doesn't seem to be much better than the NAD...I thought Meridian were supposed to have great bass?

My system is the 508 cd player, Musical Fidelity 300A 150watt integrated amp, and Vienna Acoustics 2way Bachs speakers. The speaker wires are the audioquest CV-4 and the interconnects are the audioquest Corals.

I guess my question is, do I go for the Meridian 24 bit DAC upgrade (still $750 through Meridian) or do I go with an outboard DAC, possibly the new Benchmark or Meridian 566. Maybe I chuck the Meridian all together and get something completely different.

Any bit of input would be great...I just want to be able to listen to my music for more than an hour without being irritated.

-thanks, sean
My Integrated doesn't take balanced connectors. Can you get and adapter? Or would that just defeat the purpose?

Cytocycle? how did the sound change on your friend's Meridian? Better bass, smoother, more detail?

I run my 508.24 through a suite of Monarchy Audio equipment (DIP-Upsampler-DAC). I found much better air & imaging and while I wouldn't call it more bass, the bass was much tighter & more focused.

As cytocyle says, I am holding out for a strong single box (after I finish building out my Rives-designed room).

Happy listening,
There are some great deals on Gamut CD1R's sometime on agon for $1500-$1800 and the player is amazing... Just make sure it's not the original CD1... get a CD1R, CD1S or the MKII, this player will blow your mind... just make sure your preamp can handle 4volts out (similar to wadia and makes an excellent match for passive preamps because of the high gain).. versus the typical 2volts most players output.

I own a Gamut CD1R and looked at players up 16k and I am still happy with what I have.. it's so musical! Balanced Cables make it even better as it is fully balanced design.
I called meridian about the upgrade. The guy I talked admitted to not knowing too much about the upgrade other than the model I have can be upgraded to the 24 bit version.

Does anyone know exactly what the upgrade includes. And how would an upgraded 508 differ from an original 508.24? I've searched the archives and all the info regarding the upgrade seems rather vague. Any bits of detail would be great.

-sean baik
I used to own Monarchy33 in the days of old(I'm not too old afterall),listening to music on the heavier side. Yes, I was a fans of anti nowhere league and Sex Pistol too, my music liking back then also encompassed a great variety of other materials from female vocalists to grind metals. The 33 handled them very well.It brought back that studio feeling I used to have jamming with my mates. Does it sound warm? I don't really remember hearing anything warm in to studio but the feeling certainly make your blood warmer when the music play. I don't think what you want is something warm or cold but something that give you back music. The 33 may not be the best but considering using it as a Pre/DAC with one extra layer removed from your system, it just make sense that it will be easier for you to fine tune the sound. It has got clean sound but not too clinical. Infact there is no electrical instrument produce sound by itself. All gone thru mixer and other layers of recording equipments, the monarchy gave U just that, not electric guitar sound so clean like an accoustic one without amplification. Accurate but not to the point of unfriendliness to domestic use. If you can get to listen to this, perhaps you already did. Do give it some attention. Sometimes higher the bit doesn't promise smoothness. For heavier music you need something smooth with attack. Yes, these 2 do come hand in hand. It's the matter of degree. Benchmark should be a good machine as well but you pay much more than a used 33. Both can be use as Pre/DAC. BTW, what's your setup.