Use SCD-1 with EMM DCC2?

Help! Can anyone tell me what it would take to use my SCD-1 as transport with the DCC2? Am thinking of adding the DCC2 to my system. Are there special mods required to do this?
The only thing that you can do is run the analog outs into the analog inputs of the DCC2 for SACD. The pcm can be outpu via the digital out on the Sony into the digital in of the DCC 2.

No mods can be done.

"No mods can be done."

Is actually BS, since I have a unit that he modified to have this output. A more accurate statement would have been

"no mods will be done, for our own reasons"

Ed - You have the only unit I know of. It was done for Ed's friend Tom Jung of DMP and Ed will never do it again. He does not like that unit as a transport and cannot / will not do them again. EMM Labs is not in the modification business. The Philips were just a temporary mean to an end while he was developing his own transport.
hi Johnathan -

Thanks for the note and information on this unit. Cool to know it's a one of a kind.

Ed, have you ever had the opportunity to compare your unit with either the philips or the CDSD? I would be very curious to hear your impressions.
