Anyone using a 27ix/270 with a Purcell?

I am currently using a Purcell to upsample the output of a Wadia 270 that is clocklinked to a 27ix. This works fine at 88k, but when usampled to 96k, I hear intermittent static pops that are similar to what I would expect "dirty" vinyl to sound like.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Any ideas for solving this issue?
Having owned the Purcel in the past I can tell you--- You don't get 96/24 unless you use their Delius or better dacs.---This is what I did; I bought the Audiomecca Enkainthus dac--sold the Purcel and the sound quality went way up.
I have a 270/27ix combo. A friend also had a 270/27ix combo with a Purcell. He thought that it improved the sound but a direct comparison was not so easy. He drove to me and we tested his 270/Purcell/27ix vs. mine 270/27ix extensively. Bottom line: The Purcell didn’t make a significant difference – we were unable to tell which was better.

So you may use your money for better tuning options:
- Using Aural Symphonics Optimism optical interconnect instead of Wadias standard AT&T cables gives a significant improvement. This is true not only for the data link, but – to my surprise – also for the clock link.
- Using Elrod Statement II power cords for Wadia brings this combo to a completely new level of performance. If you want to start with one Elrod Statement II cord, put it on the 27ix. A perfect match! Top class low level detail, great 3D, very musical!
- Finally pay attention to resonance control. I used Polycrystal Reference Cones before which were relatively cheap and significantly better than the Wadia feet, but I now use Shun Mook Ultra Diamond Resonators and those are a class of its own.