Anyone using a 27ix/270 with a Purcell?

I am currently using a Purcell to upsample the output of a Wadia 270 that is clocklinked to a 27ix. This works fine at 88k, but when usampled to 96k, I hear intermittent static pops that are similar to what I would expect "dirty" vinyl to sound like.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Any ideas for solving this issue?
Well if you think the Elrods are good, then try a VD Master and hear your Wadia for the first time.I tried the Elrod and the VD made mince meat out of them, there was not one area where the Statement came close!Uli is correct on the Aural Symphonics cables,they make a huge difference when compared to stock cords.Also, the io gel is worth about 15 to 20% improvement over a regular cable.Have fun Dennis

That's crazy talk. Next time you go on vacation, send me your powercords so I could compare. I'll pay for shipping both ways.
