Best CD Player for 800-1500 Used

could you guys help me out? i'm kind of confused choosing what CD player i should use, I already got Dynaudio contour 3, Pre-amp is Pass Labs X 2.5, Amplifier is Pass Labs X150 or X250, so which CD player would match up well with my system? thank you much

Ditto on the Audio Research CD-2 mentioned above. How about the good old Sony CDP-XA7ES? I just listed my Audio Research DAC-5 for sale hereon. I believe it to sound slightly better than the CD-2 when connected to a decent transport with a decent cable (at least in my system).
I would go for a Monarchy DAC/preamp and a transport of your choise such as a Vecteur, PS Audio, CEC.
Second Grannyring's idea.You can't beat it for the money, or a lot more. I'm using a Tosh 3950 with an Ack dAck and when playing CDs it walks all over my $2K Sony XA777ES.
Where do you get a Toshiba 3960 for $45? A Froogle search returns
prices around $69.

I did see RAM Audio mods the Toshiba for $375 for a one box solution.
my recommendation is the Conrad Johnson DV-2B.
I bought one from a fellow Audiogoner for $1,000. It originally retailed around $2,500. I'm very pleased with
it's performance. I should mention that the DV-2B is tube based.