Best CD Player for 800-1500 Used

could you guys help me out? i'm kind of confused choosing what CD player i should use, I already got Dynaudio contour 3, Pre-amp is Pass Labs X 2.5, Amplifier is Pass Labs X150 or X250, so which CD player would match up well with my system? thank you much

I got my Tosh 3960 at Best Buy new for $45 new. You can get them used on Ebay for $30. I know for this little money many of us audio nuts say " right grannyring your out of your mind and must have tin ears". Not! Just buy the original Ack dac and the Tosh as a transport and you will believe. ($350 total). It is that good and buy more music.


You could look at a tosh3960 from RAM. I have one with the full mod[superclock 3]. This is very analogue like playback. And you'll save a few bucks in the process....good luck with whatever you choose.
Have to demur on the Conrad Johnson. I had both the transport and the tube dac, cost me about $3600, and was replaced by a Pioneer 414 DVD player at less than $300 which sounded better and was a damn site more reliable. I love CJ electronics, but their digital stuff is a different matter.
Bluenose is right as I have owned a Tosh with the mod's. Very good for the money. Still found the Ack dac better to my ears.
