Polk XRt12 XM Tuner

Has anyone hooked up the Polk XM Tuner to their system? How did it sound? Thanks.
Yes I have. It's OK for backround listening, but falls far short of LPs or even CDs. I might purchase a used DAC to see if that helps. I didn't skimp on cables or power conditioning either!
I have it setup in a full McIntosh system you can check out my system here. At first I had it going through a C40 and it was quit nice. Then I got the McIntosh MDA1000 DAC and I got a nice digital cable and in a lot of cases it is as good as a CD and in other cases it is not. Like on a Diana Krall CD or DVD it is just better than the XM but on older stuff it seems to shine through. I like it and I love XM I am waiting to see if McIntosh will build an XM Tuner If they do I will be getting one. Good luck
