Pass Aleph 3- Best Matched Speakers

Comrades, Looking to match a CAL CL15 and Aleph3 with a moderately ($1500-$3500) set of used or new speakers. Listen to a wide range of music (chamber to Nirvana) but in relative order, my priorities are: timber of voices and instruments, detail, imaging, soundstage. Viceral bass great, booming bass not (I can head down to the corner for a beer, thumping bass, and company). HATE Scrrrreeeeching highs. Combo will be housed in a small to moderately sized room with wood floors and plaster walls. What's your top recommendation??? Thanks for your help.
Give a serious listen to the Meadowlark Kestrels (hot rod bi-wire would be preferable). They're first-order with high sensitivity, so they're a breeze to drive and they sound great. I've considered them a shade bright at times, but it's always been traced to the source.
Try Aerial Model 5s if you don't have a large space to fill. Excellent timbre, depth, and soundstaging. Inefficient as hell.