Best loudspeaker on the 3k range???

Which is the best speaker for the 3k range? An used Merlin VSM with BAM? or a B&W Nautilus 804? or the NOVA Bravo?
ProAc 2.5 Speaker is recommended. I suggest you either increase your budget or look at a used 2.5 speaker. good luck.
If you are willing to to spend the time and have the skill the best speakers I have ever heard will cost you about 3K. But you will need to assemble them. They are Aria 7 TLR towers. Read about them at
Ditto on the Hales Revelatipon 3 speakers.All top grade parts ,in the same tradition of 5 figure reference speakers !!!Cardas gold plated connectors and internal wire.Special polypropylene woofer designed for the Rev 3.Top polyprophylene capacitors. A - rated by Stereophile and very good owner reviews at audio review.Read the review at audio revolution. A give away at list price of $2195 and a steal if you can find a rare used pair.The very best value for exceptional sound within $3000.and will hold their own to good 5k speakers.
NHT 2.9 have awesome base response and can virtually disappear. They retail for $2500-2700 but dealers will negotiate. NHT makes great speakers throughout their line but high end dealers don't carry them very often. Very underpublicized speakers that are worth checking out.