Paradigm vs. PSB

I'm presently comparing PSB Silvers or 800i series to Paradigms monitor 7 or reference 1 for a purchase in the next week. Unfortunately no dealer carries both to compare side by side. i would appreciate any wisdom and guidance you could provide. They are similar in size and appearance and specs. I have an Onkyo M504 amp/preamp. Thank you!
You might like to check audioreview notes on PSB specilly the golds. I acquired stratus Goldi, 4 months ago and these are a very fine piece to own. Still haven't put better speaker cables and I'm highly satisfied with them. In my case system is also used for Home Theater but I'm 95% audio...Seems you have a nice integrated amp. B&K favours at least 150 watts at 4 ohms for the Golds. You don't mention what speakers you currently have. As with any equipment is a system and not a single piece you own and what might be wonderful for one might not be as good in other. Just for consideration build blocks for my system are B&K AV-5000II, Marantz AV550, Pioneer DVD 606D. Speaker cable currently Transparent 100's waiting for MIT 2 biwires to be delivered. Good luck