Best Sounding Ribbon Speakers

Which company do you think provides with the best sounding speakers. Criteria includeds, tranparency, openess, soundstage, and smoothness. These are the following well-known ribbon manufacturers: -Apogees -Magnepan -Newform Research -Yankees -Genesis
As one of the co-founders of the Apogee Acoustics Users Group, I may be biased...but my members tell me that a pair of vintage Divas, with proper ancillary equipment, are virtually unbeatable. I myself think that Duetta Signatures, now selling at as little as $1,200 or so (as compared to their original $5,000 list), are one hell of a real world loudspeaker, with an authority and presence that simply must be heard to be believed. Never heard the Studio Grands, but they were supposed to be more efficient and even more transparent.
The Original Apogees (the seven foot tall, 400 pound, 1 ohm amp eaters) were the best ribbons I ever heard. Utterly hair-raising reproduction of cello - all the bite and growl of the real thing. Only heard them once, about thirteen or fourteen years ago. If you find a pair for sale buy them - there are many more amplifiers capable of driving them today than there were way back when. I believe there is a place out in California that repairs Apogees.
I owned a pair of the original Apogees. I bought the speaker used five years ago and loved it ever since. Would like to find out the place that repairs or upgrades Apogees in California.