Comments on the Sonus Faber Grand Piano

Any comments on the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Speakers to work in my living room with the BAT VK-D5 CD Player and Bow Wazoo Integrated amp? During my first test listen, I found them very open, musical and they seem to just let the music flow. Base response was acceptable but not down to the lowest of notes. I am going back for another listen and am asking for more opinions. Budget is $4K (but can go to $5K). Speaker size is very important for my wife and sound quality for me. thanks...
I second the opinion on ordering from Paolo. I recently got a pair of Amator 1's from him and the dealings were exceptional.
I may be a bit late, but the new Sonus Faber Grand Piano HOME's are fantastic. There is no shortage of bass with these. Across all dimensions, they are better than the originals by a wide margin IMHO.
Disagree with the last statement. The HOME version is less musical than the original one. Maybe better for Home Cinema or so. Not for music...