need advise on speaker buying

i am investing in a good sounding system for music i have a home theater system already . i have all the equiptment for my audio system except for the speakers. i have listened to the b&w 801's for hours and i love the way they sound when the are cranked up i have not listened to the 802 i here alot of talk about all these other speakers like hale, wilson, tannoy ect. are the 802 as good as the 801s? i have not heard them yet! i will be biamping the speakers with classe amps. please help are there any othere speakers which are not as pricey as the 801 which have the sound staging, imaging and texture i am looking for. every high end audio store i go into they try to sell the 801's i live in new jersey so there is limited high end audio stores to listed to a good varity fo speakers.
Having owned (in order), the Thiel 2.3, Meadowlark HotRods, B&W Nautilus 802's, Dunlavy V's and now the Pipedreams model 15, my recommendation is the Dunlavy SCIVA's which retail for around 8K (less than the B&W). Note the other recommendations also include Dunlavy. The previous recommendation regarding the Princess is no surprise either as the Princess and the Dunlavy products are the result of John Dunlavy's work. Within your price range, you can not go wrong with the Dunalvy product.
Alon by Accarian Systems. Just in case you would ever care to listen to music also. The others mentioned are great for handling loud explosions, etc, though.
"Just in case you would ever care to listen to music also". Hmm. My pick for the best speaker mentioned thus far is Dunlavy. What is your reference? What experience has brought you this conclusion? What do I consider my reference? Hifi systems? A deafening 120db rock concert? What a reviewer wrote? No. LA (USA), NYC (USA), London (England), Vienna (Austria) Budapest (Hungary), Krakov (Poland), etc. These are a few (actually most) of the places I have attended live symphonies in. Dunlavy recreates it as close to the real thing as you're going to get. BTW, I have also owned 100's of other speakers (including Accarian), and continue to try out new (and old) ones all the time (usually in the form of trade-ins). What do I currently own? Dunlavy Aletha.