Audio Physic Virgo II vs Tempo III

I am looking at getting a pair of Audio Physic speakers and was wondering if anyone has experience comparing the Virgo II and the Tempo III. They seem to be about the same price on the used market. I will be using it with a 15 watt tube amp.

I think the Virgo II's are AP's standout speakers...still. With the AP's I find them very sensitive to placement and electronics. If you are going to set them up right; way out in the room- they do some spectacular things. Not sure if 15 watts is enough though.
I also think that AP "nailed it" with the Virgo II, but I haven't heard the Tempo III, although some of the series III AP speakers tend to have a brighter, thinner sound than the earlier Virgos (including the Virgo III). I'm using the Virgo II after using the InnerSound Eros II and though somewhat different in its presentation the Virgo II is a very adept and satisfying performer. At the current prices on the used market, they are a steal.
The original Virgo sounded spectacular with the CJ Premier 12 monoblocks (140 w/ch). There are a couple of sellers here on Agon. Not me though.
I did hear some differences between the Virgo III & II but for the used prices of the IIs, just buy them. They only really do certain types of music well but what they do is simply great.

Happy Listening.
I have had the Tempo's and I have replaced them for the Virgo II. The Virgo's are much more coherent, they let you listen to the music and not to the set! The Tempo's are brighter and less forgiven to the music.