Anyone heard the Vandersteen model #5?

Am very interested in this speaker. I've come a long way and have pretty much narrowed it down to 2: Vandersteen model #5 and Montana EPS. Has anyone heard the former? Got rave reviews in IAR and TAS. Thanks.
I have heard the 5's, and in fact, am waiting for mine to be built. I believe them to be one of the best speakers I have ever heard. The bass is without peer, the mids are fast and open, the highs are sweet. Best feature may be that they can be tuned to your room - so - the may be the best sounding speaker in the world in real-world applications!! Mine are 4 weeks away - CANNOT WAIT!!!
Someone else just asked the same question recently. I think the posts are in "Best of Audio". Anyway as I said there I recently sold a substantially more expensive speaker speaker/subwoofer combination for the 5s. I completely agree with JKphoto's post. Now that the 5s are tuned for my room I can't believe how articulate and musical they are. They are easy to drive and play all kinds of music well. They draw you into the music rather than pushing it into your face(though many prefer the latter). In my room, to my ears they are the most natural, enjoyable speakers I have ever heard.
I have only heard the 5's in a showroom, but I was stunned at how good they sound. I have a pair of Vandy 3A Signatures, which are very good, but not in the same league with the 5's. The Absolute Sound's recent issue devoted to "ultimate" systems at price points from $3500 to the stratosphere included the Vandy 5's in one of their proposed systems. The author said that the 5's, paired with a good amp, offer superb sound at an astounding good price ($10K is relative, I guess). I can't speak to how the Montana speakers might sound in your home, but I simply can't see how you can better at $10K than the Model 5's, particularly with their capability for being custom-tuned to your listening room.
I have heard both speakers and in my opinion, there is no comparison. The Vandersteen 5 smokes the Montana's. At different times in different showrooms, I spent about an hour and 1/2 with each. My initial impression with the 5's was "Wow". I had no such impression with the Montana's. The Montana has limited deep bass capability. The Vandersteen has breathtaking mids and highs while the Montana can sound a little harsh upstairs. If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate. Buy the 5's.