Need some help choosing speakers.......

I hope some of you experienced audiophiles can help me with a choice of speakers. I intend to move my electronics from ourt summer mountain house, which we winterize, downto a Florida condo for the winter. My B & W 804's are too large for the condo, so I would like a pair of monitors perhaps, which do not have to be placed far from the back wall. Even better would be a pair that would work in a very heavy, 2" MDF bookcase system. Electronics are: Audible Illusions L-1 pre-amp, Pass Aleph 3 power amp, Magnum Etude fm, Sony SACD player. Speaker sensitivity should be about 89 db or higher. Thanks for your input.
I agree with Dave, Reference 3a would be a great place to start, I have a pair with your same preamp and the 20 watt Cary 572's and it simply magical..Good luck...
If the speaker will be close to the wall, try to avoid rear ported speakers. Try the Aerial 5.