Amplifier for Martin Logan Requests

I currently own a pair of Martin Logan Requests with An Audble Illusions pre-amp. I have auditioned the Calyton Audio M70 monoblocks and they sound good. The only problem is when I play them at high volumes they lose control. I have heard about Bat VK 200 & 500 , Sim Audio W-5 and several tube amps as better alternatives. I would appreciate any comments from ML owners and those who are familiar with these speakers. Thanks
Hi Jim, Which Mesa baron tube amp do you have? I am still looking for the right amp for my system. I have an AI Modulus 1 that I will be upgrading shortly. I have heard that the CJ Premier 5 is a killer tube amp. Would like to have a tube amp/ pre-amp combo to create synergy. Any suggestions?
Hiflyer, Have a Baron (using matched 5881's)with the tri-tube mod (you can just plug in 5881's, EL34's or KT99's and set the bias accordingly). I don't have the soft-start feature on my amp, the standby mode is just fine and I have heard reports of the soft-start circuit creating problems but don't have first hand experience. That's about all you can get in a Baron. My Audible Illusions Modulus 3 (with NOS Seimens 6DJ8's) sounds good with the Baron, but the Mod3 has so much gain that adjustments and control are a bit of a pain -- can't get beyond 7 or 8 o'clock. I'm going to try and find out if the M3 gain is adjustable. Even so, I'm still going to step up (I've had the preamp for 6 or 7 years now). From a sonic standpoint, the AI is a good match with the Mesa. With respect to CJ, the Premier 5's are popular and a good value on the used market, but aren't my cup of tea. Although they have plenty of power, they still have what I think is a Conrad Johnson "house sound" -- warmer, more euphonic than I prefer. But, that said, lots of other people really dig these characteristics -- they do have their following. And I guess they would tone down overly bright speakers. Whatever tube amp you choose, just be sure to stick with a tube pre. While a tube pre/ss power amp can be a good combination, it tends not to work in reverse.
Hello Jim my name is Dave at I have been using a BAT VK5i/Bryston 4BST. I love the BAT but have a connection for a used Mesa Baron. I think, after your comments, the Baron is just what I need. A shotgun of tubes going out to my ML ReQuests. Question though. Will the BAT have any problems with the Baron. The BAT is a first class built unit. Maybe a tube upgrade could only improve on excellance. What tubes are you using in the Baron. Appreciate your comments and thanks for the Baron info.
What kind of spkr/interconnects are you using. I have been using Nordost SPM ref spkr and MIT 330Pro Interconnects. Also what do you use on your the front end. I am upgrading and have been think of the BAT VK5d or Meridian 508. There seems to be good value on the used market.
What kind of pre are you using with the BAT Amp. I am currently using a VK5i and need upgrading from my Bryston 4BST. Seriously looking at tubes but the BAT amps go very well with there pre's. What kind of spkr wire/interconnects do you use. Appreciate any info, Thanks