amp for B &W 801

bought new 801s. Was told I need a high power ss amp to run them well. True? Wanted to get tube monblocks instead. should I do tube or ss? What brands/models work best with my speaker?
I am currently running my N801s with the Pass Labs Aleph 2s. These mono solid state amps sound absolutely fantastic! I am currently in the process of upgrading my pre-amp to the Pass Labs X1 and I am looking for new speaker cable and interconnects. I am completely satisfied with the Aleph 2's (100 watts) ability to drive these speakers to volumes louder than I can stand while maintaining a stunning quality of sound. The problem with finding synergistic components like the Aleph 2s and the B&W N801s is that it causes you to start changing out other components to take full benefit of the combination.
Please see my site below. People says that this combination works surprisingly good with 801. 801 definetely needs high watts and high damping factor.
As you have read in many responses you'll have trouble getting the 801 to "wake up" with a tube amp. They are a wild load on the amp. For that reason you need an amp that can handle the large impedence shifts. Amps that fit this bill are typically classified as "high current" amps. Visually they are BIG and HEAVY. So guess what, Levinson, get the idea. I have 801 Matrix Threes and the Levinson 332. Sounds fantastic. The big Levinson drives them very well. In critical comparisons of the Levinson and Krell you should find that the Levinson is a little more relaxed, refined and smoother with a wider deeper and more recessed soundstage than the Krell. The Krell will be more dynamic, forward and analytical. They are both good choices it just depends on what you want to hear. You will need top quality speaker cables with the 801s, so keep that in mind. Cables by Transparent or MIT are popular with this combination. The most important thing is to use your ears. If the dealers you are working with won't let you borrow the amps over a weekend it's time to walk.