Why lots of B&W Nautilus for sale used?

I see a lot of B&W Nautilus speakers for sale, mostly 804s and 805s and some 803s. Considering the Matrix was around for 10 years, you would think there would be lots of them for sale from upgrading, but no. So is the Nautilus really better than the older Matrix overall despite what we hear??
Prior to my purchase of the B&W Nautilus 802 I have lengthy in home audition comparing Aerial 10T, Revel Sudio and N802. There is no comparison, the Nautilus 802 is the winner. I bought a pair and can not be happier. The rest of the system: Muse Model 8 and 296, CAT Ultimate preamp, Krell FBP 300, PS Audio PP300, NBS Monitor I interconnet, Monitor II and Monitor III speaker cables for biwire.
I have listened to the Nautilus 805 speakers and have found them to be very good speakers. From some of the posts and threads at this site it looks that they may require a little extra time and effort regarding setup and system synergy. Some of the owners have been very successful with this and are therefore pleased with the speakers. Those that have not been so successful may be the ones that are selling the speakers. I think that we can all agree that any high resolution speaker can be challenging to setup and incorporate. I consider the Tweeter on the 805's to be exactly that (high resolution), mock me if you must. I have also rarely seen equipment set up to its best advantage and performance in any audio shop. I do not own Nautilus speakers myself and this is just my take on it..
A94510 I am sorry,It's just that I listen to gear that is far and away more musical and resolving than the gear you have mentioned.Gryphon Antillion amp,Gryphon Sonata preamp,Gryphon CDP-1 cd player,Basis Gold Debut ect....The gear you hve mentioned was like a steping stone for me years ago and now I am spoiled and arogant...Sorry.
Sound_decisions...the term "musical" is totally subjective and I seriously doubt that the gear you have mentioned as " more resloving" than the gears I have. I listened to Gryphon gears. They are definitely not my cut of tea.