1 million dollar speaker made by Kharma

Holy, Kharma makes this speaker called the Kharma Grand Enigma Reference speakers, that cost 1 million dollars. Has anyone heard them. I doubt my Adcom Amp would sound good on them.
I was browsing around the electronics department at the local Shop one day, when surprisingly I noticed that they were carrying a single pair of the Grand Enigmas for a very limited time. I carefully weighed my options. It was either the York bookshelf system for the bedroom or the Enigmas for the living room. Well, I splurged and went for the Enigmas. When then, all of the employees at the Shop dropped everything they were doing and combined their efforts just to carry the speakers 20 feet to the check-out counter. I knew that I was purchasing some hefty speakers! No more York sound for me! After maxing out all of my credit cards, I watched one brave Shop employee try and lift the speakers and carry them out to my car. We both chuckled as his spine cracked in two and his arms permanently dislocated. He said hunched over and with a smile, "Ooh! I think we're going to need a little help with these." After a local helicopter pilot was gracious enough to lift them onto the front lawn of my apartment, I was anxious to test these babies out in the comfort of my own living room. Getting these mothers upstairs was quite a chore. Now I know how all of those Egyptians who built the pyramids must have felt. I hooked the Enigmas to my Technics SA-AX7 receiver with 100 watts of power x 5 and threw in a copy of Bjork's latest album to test the musical performance. But before I could hit play on the CD player, the speakers fell right through the floor and landed on my neighbor downstairs. She died and now her family is suing me for 1 million dollars. I thought maybe, i could give them these speakers instead. They refused. I did hear these speakers, after they landed ontop of my downstairs neighbor. When i pressed Play on the CD Player, Bjork's vocals soared through the entire neighborhood and the subtleties in the instrumental accompaniments were finally revealed. People from blocks away thought that Bjork was giving a concert in my apartment and hundreds of people flocked over to try and get a glimpse of her. Saving Private Ryan was next on the list. The structural integrity of the building began to disintegrate and so I had to turn the volume down slightly. Every gunshot, cannon blast, and explosion was very well detailed and present. It could be just me, but I think that my dead neighbor's body helped to dampen excess vibration in the cabinets, thus adding to the sound quality of the speakers. So, I think I'll just leave him under there for a while. This speaker ensemble is terrific! Thank you, Shop! But because of its enormous price tag, and difficulty in finding matching surrounds and center channel, I'm giving the Enigmas four stars instead of five.
Hey Lotuss4, You must be kidding. I hope you are kidding. Are you? In any way you want to value speakers whether that be cost of manufacture, sound quality, etc, do you really think that there is any speaker worth $1,000,000.00?
Based upon the above posts the idea of a million dollar speaker is over the top. But if you were to ask the average consumer what they thought of some audiophiles' $30k tube amps, $20k CD players, $10k cables and $2k power cords they probably wouldn't see much difference between between "our reality" and the million dollar speakers. After all, what's a few zeros between people who can afford it?
It's true...$1,000,000 for a pair of speakers is a bit pricey. I highly recommend trying to buy them used for $600,000 or $700,000. I may be going out on a limb here, but I firmly believe that there isn't another speaker in their price range that can compete with them. Seriously though...couldn't you buy an orchestra for a million? I mean...not the CSO or Vienna's, but I bet Phoenix has one that wouldn't cost too much. You could book dozens of rock bands in your own house...one or two a week! (but the clean up would cost more than a million) Is there really any market for these speakers? Does anyone have a dick that small?