What does everyone think of shahinian?

I have heard these speakers (the ARCs) and i thought they were quiet impressive. But i have never heard anyone here talk about them. whys that?
I owned a few years ago SuperElsfor my bedroom system. Indeed, highly efficient, accurate, lively. The best small speakers I had or heard. In my main system I had David Wilson WATT III/Puppy II (modified). Now, I own Shahinian's Diapason and I am extremely happy. I and few of my friends think of them as one of the best speakers in existence. Yep, they are for music lover because they reproduce music ACCURATELY. Everyone who attended live concerts, particylarly symphonic music and who also auditioned Shahinian big speakers can attest to this fact. One of the reasons why Shahinian is not very popular in USA (aside that he does not advertise) is that his big speakers are ugly - not in living room. I wish to express here my admiration for the talant of Richard Shahinian...
Heard the Diapason's at several shows. Must agree they are highly musical; I thought his woodwork was beautiful as well.
I had a pair of diapasons with the double eagle subs. Had to sell when in a cash crunch. I've missed those speakers every day since then. The shahinians reproduced music in my home like no other.
That's pretty high praise from Holzhauer, who happens to own Soundlab's. No, i don't know him personally, but i saw his ad : ) Sean