Amp for B&W 802 SIII

Looking for Amp recommendations for my B&W 802 SIII. System includes a Meridian 508-20 CD and an Audio Research LS 25 MKII preamp. Currently powered by a Bryston 4b nrb.(enough power, but looking for more midrange lucidity. Any expereience with ARC VT100 MKII or Krell FPB200/300?
My system is very similar: , ARC LS-16 preamp, Meridian 508.24 cd with B&W Matrix 802 serIII speakers driven by an ARC VT100 mkII. I also tried Pass Aleph 2's (125W class A ss monoblocks) in this system. The ARC amp had better bass and more midrange "presence". The Pass amps had more undistorted clarity, but they sacrificed some detail, some sonic impact.
I have the 801s3's and use a Levinson 332 amp. B&W's typically need amp's that provide high current to really come alive. If you are considering SS think Levinson, Pass and Krell. I can't help you on the tube side, but there are plenty of audiogon members that can.
Try the 4B ST. The ST would give you a much better window into the mid and high when compared to the NRB. If you want, you can bi-amp with a SF 40 for mid/high, this would be a good combination. However, to bi-amp you need to have the professional version of 4B to fine-adjust the balance. Good luck.
Before you spend a penny on a new amp, you should seriously consider the North Creek Music outboard upgrade to the stock B&W crossovers. They are expensive, but worth every cent. I converted my 802's, and the difference is a revelation of how good the speaker system itself really is. B&W truly compromised the design with some second rate Xover components. By the way, I currently use a BAT VK200 power amp with Bryston BP-25 preamp, and it is verrrrry smooth yet detailed, with superb bass control.
Madosonears, does North Creek make an outboard for the 801's? How do I get in touch with these guys? You state that the upgrade was a revelation. How so? How did the sound change? Thanks Doug.