Amp for B&W 802 SIII

Looking for Amp recommendations for my B&W 802 SIII. System includes a Meridian 508-20 CD and an Audio Research LS 25 MKII preamp. Currently powered by a Bryston 4b nrb.(enough power, but looking for more midrange lucidity. Any expereience with ARC VT100 MKII or Krell FPB200/300?
Before you spend a penny on a new amp, you should seriously consider the North Creek Music outboard upgrade to the stock B&W crossovers. They are expensive, but worth every cent. I converted my 802's, and the difference is a revelation of how good the speaker system itself really is. B&W truly compromised the design with some second rate Xover components. By the way, I currently use a BAT VK200 power amp with Bryston BP-25 preamp, and it is verrrrry smooth yet detailed, with superb bass control.
Madosonears, does North Creek make an outboard for the 801's? How do I get in touch with these guys? You state that the upgrade was a revelation. How so? How did the sound change? Thanks Doug.
Sorry, this has gotten off topic, as so many posts do, but, to Doug: yes they make outboards for 801's, and I have heard from others that they are a spectacular improvement. For my 802's, the sound just opened up, with airy delicate highs, and the bass got deeper, tighter, and the dynamics of the entire system became much greater. It was like changing to better speaker wire and getting a bigger amp at the same time. I switched out only one speaker at a time so I (and a critical friend) could compare. We were both amazed at the difference. When both speakers were done, WOW! They have a web site, but I can't remember address. Search for North Creek Music Systems. They offer a money-back guarantee, but the site claims no one has ever asked for one. I believe it.