"warm " full rangespeakers ,II

Still looking for suggestion on warm full range floor standing speakers. No vandersteens. Must have Greatmid/lower bass output, 90DB sens. Have large room to fill.
Considering Aerial T10 or LR5 w/sub?, Hales 8?, dynaudio 3.3?, JM Lab 920.1 w/sub? Others or are These a good start.
please comment
Jm Reynaud or Silverline speakers if you have a budget over $5K. I own smaller Reynauds and have only heard about the larger models by word of mouth. I can audition the Reynauds locally but am afraid to do so:-) I have auditioned the Silverline's and they are very nice indeed.
The Aeriels are great when paired with an amp like Classe'. They are very "warm", but have no lack of high end detail.
I'd recommend that you checkout the Coincident Speaker Technology Eclipse or Super Eclipse speakers. Easy load to drive, efficient and great sound for the money. Goodluck.