Omar Bose...

has passed.
I recall the first time I heard Omar Bose's 109 loudspeaker.

Ah, the good old days.
Richard Cranium (Michael Fremer) continues with the brainwashing that only over priced audiophile approved speakers are to be considered. When in reality audiophiles are being hosed by 90% of the manufacturers of those speakers. These manufacturers continue with the same old speaker designs decade after decade and when an engineer comes up with an innovative design it scares the manufacturers and reviewers into starting rumors in an effort to protect their over priced crap.

Take a look at the Venture Grand Ultimate speakers reviewed by TAS. Priced at $90,000 you would expect this speaker to have unique drivers and in fact it does. The tweeter is called a wide range dynamic tweeter. In reality it is a cone tweeter. Cone tweeters have been used by Bose for decades.

One of the most important characteristics for speakers is a seamless presentation of drivers. No speaker is more seamless than the Bose 901 utilizing the same drivers throughout with no crossover.

You say the Bose 901 does not image like audiophile speakers? The Bose 901's imaging is equal to any electrostatic or bipolar speaker. The advantage the 901 has is its wide dynamic range and more than reasonable price.

Bose has been successful NOT because of marketing, but because people like the sound of their speakers and they are made to work with your room instead of against it like most speakers.

Let's face it, we have all been brainwashed. I include myself in that statement. I was also a Bose basher for many years because I was an avid magazine reader and I was sure I knew what I was talking about because I was learning from the experts. Finally I decided to perform an experiment. I purchased a pair of Bose speakers to find out what these speaker are REALLY about.

I can tell you the magazine reviewers we have held in high regard are fonies in fear of losing their advertising dollars and the free equipment they sell at a later date and pocket the money. This is what determines whether a product is good or bad in the magazines we read.

Let's face it. We have all been duped and many of us continue to be duped. It's time to wise up and start thinking for yourself.

"Richard Cranium"...I think that's a good aka for MF.

fwiw, I have a Bose Wave Radio and think it sounds great. Thank you Amar. RIP.
Rrog, really nice, and thoughtful, post. Mikey's blog had a bit of a shock jock quality to it, not that mine was any more demure.

It has, however, been a long time since the 901 filled the coffers at the Bose Corp. They were an engineering company then and it seems they are more a marketing company now. That role has been assumed by lifestyle components such as the Wave radio and various compact home theatre systems the worth of which may be, arguably, quite a bit less, in sonic terms, than the 901s.
A women I know recently bought a Wave at a garage sale. She LOVES it in her kitchen. She pretends to be Italian, so I brought over some Rossini. She shut it off after ten seconds and said "I ain't listening to no freaking ballet".
My first experience with any Bose product. Nothing wrong with it by me, at all! Although I find it hard to believe their infomercial where Herbie Hancock listens to one at home. HA