JM Lab Mezzo Utopia ?

JM Lab Mezzo Utopia speakers. They list for $14K. Are they worth it? Does anyone have a pr or listened to them recently?
Thank you for the feedback.
Bigboss, if you love bass extension, speed, and accurate pitch along with SOTA performance everywhere else, then you should listen to the Talon Audio Khorus's before making a purchasing decision.
Just re-read your second post, about needing something efficient, and the Andras certainly are not. But neither are the 801's, and when I heard the Mezzo Utopias, they were hooked up to giant Krell monoblocks, so I'm not sure they're too much better in that regard.
the mezzos are 90-92 db (sorry i forgot which) efficient. i have a pair and absoultely love them. i bought them new a bit over a year ago for under $10k. i first powered them with a 45 wpc tube amp and shortly thereafter upgraded to 140 wpc tube mono's. they sounded good with the little amp but they absolutely sing with the mono's. i auditioned a number of speakers, including the eggy rosas and andreas. as between the andreas and the mezzos the decision was tough. i like the styling of both and the fact that the eggy's are made in the u.s. they were both quite analytical, but i would probably give the analytical edge to the eggys (the imaging and with of the soundstage was awesome). but, i was a bit concerned about the power required to run the eggy's (i knew that i was going to upgrade my power source, but was not sure when). more importantly (to me), the mezzo's mids are really fluid and incredibly realistic. the highs are crisp without sounding harsh or etchy and the bottom end, when powered well, is really tight. in short, i found them an overall more musical speaker--natural sounding, highly detailed, good imaging and soundstage and really, really fun to listen to. if you can find a deal they're well worth it. good luck.
Don't waste your time with the B&Ws. The JM Labs line of speakers are terrific. If you can get 40% off on Mezzos, jump on it. Not only do they sound great, but the are works of art.