PMC FB1 Speakers

Opinions wanted on this new speaker by British company Professional Monitor Co., distributed in No. America by Bryston. Does anyone own a pair of these or any other PMC speakers?
Hey Equa: I have a pair of the little brothers to the FB, the TB-1. They are incredible little performers for monitors. Pretty simple two-ways with doped paper and metal tweeter. But its the transmission line that makes them do things with the bass that you wouldn't expect - down to 40hz with the TBs and 22hz with the FBs. I compared them with the PSB Stratus Minis and something from JMLab and these just resolved everything better. A word of warning, these speakers are transparent enough that bad music sounds bad, there is no coloration at all. They're beautiful with vocals and acoustics but if your into big brass they weren't great but that could be a knock with all monitors. There was a short review in TAS an issue or two ago. Give 'em a listen.
I've heard the FB1's and was very impressed. However, at this price point there are many other products that you really must evaluate. Make no mistake - the PMC FB1's
did turn my head that first time. I would say PMC is a member of my top 10 list of speakers to audition next year (I hope to move into our new house sometime next year).

They seem to be very good speakers.
I just got finished listening to a loaner pair of PMC FB1's - returned them to the dealer today.
Initial impressions are: Very impressive bass for such a small speaker/driver - transmission line really makes a huge difference. Although the bass was surprising the most noticeable and satisfying aspect was the tweeter (dynaudio). Highs were smoooooth and extended. Tweeter and mid integrated well esp. on female voice eg. Sarah Mclachlan. But when the bass got heavy things got a bit taxed. All in all I'd say quite a neutral speaker & quite good. Downsides were lack of bass and midrange information. But I'm listening in a large room, and am used to full range floor-standers.
For my audition I had the FB1's on stands, spaced about 30" from the side walls, 1 foot from the back wall and about 97" apart (outside to outside). Started with the speakers facing straight forward, but sounded best toed in to the point where the "inside" faces of the cabinet were no longer visible from the listening position (about 11.5'away). The FB1's are not my "cup of tea" but they certainly do a lot of things right - agile - they are QUICK, image well, have a decent soundstage height and (depth-wise) and sound good tone wise. Fem voice, piano and strings esp. One aspect that bothered me was that I couldn't get the soundstage to stretch beyond the inside of the speakers. This might be due to incorrect setup on my part or might just be the speakers. And even so, huge soundstage is not for everyone. Cheers!