Joseph Audio Speakers never show up used

Why do Joseph Audio speakers so rarely show up used? Do they sell a small number of speakers? (not many dealers?) Or, do owners love them and keep them forever?

I have found myself voting the "Joseph Audio room" in my top 3 at the last several Stereophile shows - and the Pearl speaker sounded fantastic at this most recent show in May. I've been toying with picking up a used RM33i (mini-pearl). I do wonder about their need for substantial power........

Anyway, let's hear from owners or prospective owners, or you if you have an opinion: why do these speakers so rarely show up on Audiogon?

My guess would most likely have to do with the fact that Joseph Audio has not been around as long as other brands and are have less production than some of the bigger hi-end brands. I did sell a pair of first generation Joseph Audio RM-7's four plus years ago (right here on AudiogoN). I did recently see a few Joseph speakers for sale on Good luck.....
I heard RM33 and I heard Pearl. These are two so different speakers.

RM33 are overvalued and shouldn't have the offered price of $7k. I didn't find anything successfull or even positive in these speakers except look and shiny Cardas binding posts listening them with Classe 350 monos and the rest of classe electronics including CD5 and preamp that i don't remember the model number. The only word that can describe this setup is HORRIBLE. Couldn't find an appropriate volume level and couldn't find even an appropriate music that "fits" this setup. It seemed to me that I listen to some very loud ancient gromophone that presses my ear-drums with some metalic and unrealistic gingling sounds... According to the specs they love some juice (relatively large side-firing woofer) but the more volume I was trying to bring the more unreal and fatiguing they sounded.

I can nothing say about previous models but I assume that the same reason that they're still standing in the dealer's stock and having a hard time to be sold.

Pearls were able to do much more than even expected for the price offered: dissapearance effect and 3D, bottomless bass, clarity and musicality. In fact this I believe the only successfull speaker that might gain the consumer with appropriate budget but again: there are still in the same class Wilson Watt Puppies 7 that cost much lower and can easily compete.

I would also like to hear what others will say about RM33 and different setups from what I've listened. Maybe I would blame blame blame Classe electronics and try to setup different audition with non-Classe setup...
Marakanetz, you are exactly right about Joseph RM33's. I hate to bash a product but the RM33 would only appeal to someone who has a lot of money and no ear for stereo stuff. But sees a high price so assumes it must be good.
Sorry, while the Pearl did sound excellent I was thinking, yea sounds about like $8,500 B&W Nautilus 802's. So Pearls are about $11,500 overpriced.
I think it has to do with love I have a pair of RM22si mark II's And I can't seem to ever want to replace them there great speakers and the more you play them the better they sound. and if you ever contact Joseph's he is a great person to deal with he answers all his call personaly. True there are not many dealers out there but it is worth finding one and getting a speaker demo.