Talon Khorus question

Why is it that there are so many Talon Khoruses being put on sales at such very low price, around 5,000-6000 USD. All of them seemed to be very new(less than 2 years) or even brand new. Is there something that seriously bother the owners of these supposely fine speakers?
I was just hunting for our name on the 'net and came across the posting that listed Jeff Rowland Design Group as using Talons as our reference in the sound room. That's partially correct. We use them as A reference, though not THE reference. Because we haven't found the perfect loudspeaker in any form or fashion, we have a number of different loudspeakers at the factory that we have at our disposal for testing and evaluation purposes. We also have many that we can bring from or use at home as well. Some are a little more transparent, some faster and more dynamic, some more detailed, etc. As a manufacturer, we need to be able to evaluate our own designs rather than the sound produced by a single system - listening on a single system will only tell us about the compatibility or synergy our products have with a select or specific few. Our goal is to try to build products that will perform exceptionally well for you when you get home regardless of what you connect them to, so we try to use as many different associated components as possible (speakers, cables, digital, analog, etc.) to get as much variance as is realistically feasible.

Thanks -

Rich, that's a sensible approach and it seems to be working very well for JRDG. Thanks for clarifying. Suchart, I'm surprised there are so many exceptional speakers available over there. The shipping cost and mark-up must be staggering! If/when I get the chance to visit Thailand, I'm going to hold you to your generous offer. And if you ever get a chance to visit Wyoming, USA, I'll extend the same to you. Don
It would be my real pleasure to welcome you, Don. I can imagine we would have a lot of a good and long conversation together. And many thanks for your kind offer too.
Don--Thanks again. Yours is the only review I've found that compares the Khorus' with electrostats. Very interesting. To answer your question, the only two cables I've tried are Harmonic Technology Truth Link XLR's and Pro-Silway Mk II XLR's. The Truth Link's sound rich and warm, but the highs were rolled off, and overall, it made the speakers somehow sound like they needed further breaking-in. Switching to the Pro-Silway Mk II's opened things up and added increased detail and sparkle to the high frequencies. The warmth disappeared, but the music sounds very natural and open. I'm also using HT's Pro-9 Plus speaker cables. BTW, I visited Talon's factory last year when I happened to be in Salt Lake City on a trip, and they said that Harmonic Technology and Anaylsis Plus are two cables that they recommend. They also are developing their own line of cables with Shunyata (sp? ). Haven't heard any of their stuff, though.
Don & others, are you using silver cables? I've got Talon's Khite and ROC and I'm going to replace my cables now and have had some folks recommend all silver ICs, everything to get all the detail to the speakers. THoughts?