long term disappointments?

Have you bought speakers after careful listening, only to discover that you don't like them after a month or two?
I bought Avalon Eclipses 6+ years ago, after lusting for them for more than a year. I did not, however, try them at home first. Never could get satisfactory results and finally gave up after 3 years and sold them.
Several years back I bought Vandersteen 2CEs. I then spent five years trying every piece of electronics, interconnects and speaker cables with them. No matter what I tried, I found them to be dull and uninvolving. Two of my friends went through the same experience at the same time although they gave up much sooner. At that time, I had been in the hobby for thirty years so I should have known better. What a waste of time and money!
I bought the original Wilson Witts and really did not care for them in my room shortly after. The dealer would not take them back for upgrade to the Watt/Puppys - a real bummer - but Legacy came to the rescue and I get alsmost full for the Whispers which were great.
Probably the most enigmatic speaker for me was the Magneplanars many years back. Could never quite get them set-up right in the room and never did match up a subwoofer to blend properly with it's bass deficiencies. What I learned from that is don't buy a speaker if, going in, you know there are some things you're going to have to fix.
NHT 3.3's. I don't care how well they image, how deep the base(very one notey), or how loud they can play. On a short audition at a dealer I thought this was THE SPEAKER. After a few months I couldn't take the harshness of the treble.The one thing that I have come to relize that is most impotant in any piece of audio gear is musicaliy. The NHT's couldn't play music.