Speaker wire - equal length or shortest?

If you have to make the choice between running wire of equal length to your speakers or to run the shortest run possible what should you do? My components are located
on the side of my listening room. The distance to the far speaker is twice the distance to the close one (roughly 35 feet vs 20 feet) What should I do? (re-locating my equipment or speakers is not an option at this point)
For best performance, run long interconnect cables to the amp, and short (equal) length runs to the speakers. Interconnect cable is typically less expensive than a similar length of speaker wire, and is less damaging to performance. If you have absolutely no other choice but long speaker wire, keep the length the same for both channels.
I agree with Albert. It is less important to have the interconnects the same length (but desirable if they are), but definitely, different speaker cable lengths is quite audible and irritating over time.