Speaker wire - equal length or shortest?

If you have to make the choice between running wire of equal length to your speakers or to run the shortest run possible what should you do? My components are located
on the side of my listening room. The distance to the far speaker is twice the distance to the close one (roughly 35 feet vs 20 feet) What should I do? (re-locating my equipment or speakers is not an option at this point)
Use equal lengths absolutely. Also realize that for a run that long you are better off with a networked design cable such as MIT or Transparent. Group delay is a significant degradation factor in any cable, but especialy in longer runs of interconnect or speaker cable. Only networked designs are compensated to achieve corrections for the time distortions encountered.
Thanks for all your comments, this is really a great resource! I swear I don't know anyone within a day's drive that can give me an intelligent answer to any audio question so it is nice to have this. I will try to answer a few of your questions regarding my question. Cost is not an issue to the extent that I already have the speaker wire all run in two 35 lengths. I real question is to I hack off 15 feet or not off the long run. It sounds like "no" is the general answer. The wire (to complicate things) is actually 2 wires (I am bi-amping) the 12 gauge goes to the highs and 10 gauge goes to the woofers. So I think I am OK with regards to thickness. At least I am not trying to run everything through 22 gauge zip-cord. The quality is OK with the 10 gauge retailing for $3.50 a foot (Phoneix Gold Reference II High Definition InnerSpace 210 wire, it is twisted with a clear outer jacket) My wife is the accountant at an audio store so we get it at cost, $.84 a foot. How's that for mark-up? I am not going to invest any more than that at this point, I just about dropped dead when I saw what some speaker wire goes for. It seems like audiophiles are in an endless search for definition and when they find it it is too bright. I have actually heard that some people recommend DOWNGRADING your wire for a smoother sound. Going as far as saying that you can get the same warm sound of a tube amp by just running a wire that is a bit too small to your speakers. I guess it can tone down the harshness of a solid-state amp/pre-amp or something.

Back to the subject at hand, I would worry more about running 35 foot lengths of inter-connect than speaker wire. Just not enough force behind the signal at low volumes for all the info to get the amp intact IMHO.

As far as group delay goes do you mean that certain freq. will be delayed down the wire and result in time distortions? I assume you must otherwise equal lengths would solve the problem if all the freq. left the amp and arrived at the speaker at the same time. At what length might this be a problem? And is this more or less of a problem for speaker wire vs interconnects?

Anyway I figure my biggest problem with having my gear on one wall and the speakers on another is having to choose between looking at my speakers and looking at my gear. Plus to make adjustments I need to turn my head and that screws up the sound field making it hard to concentrate. Someday I will have them on the same wall, maybe then I will drop some serious change on wire once it is only 8 feet long.


Actually, the lower signals in an IC interact less with the wire than the higher signals. So definately use a longer IC if you can put your amp near(between) your speakers and then use the shortest speaker cables possible. Group delay, where lower frequencies can move more slowly through the cable, is more of a problem for speaker wire due to the larger interaction.
There is a gentleman named Frank Gow at Audio Classics in Vestal, NY. He is an audio wiz, who said to me that cables DO NOT have to be of equal lenghts!
go to parts-express.com and read the forums on audio cable. You will find a lot of interesting stuff about speaker wires, etc. Length is not near as important as you might think unless your talking hundreds of feet in difference or 12GA. vs. 28GA. wire.