Bi-wiring mishap

So all right, all ive been hearing about lately is bi-wiring, bi-wiring so I thought I’d give it a try. Not knowing what the heck bi-wiring is but being the wordsmith that I am I knew that bi means two in the queens latin (just like dos equis means two horses) and so I figured, connect TWO wires. Simple enough. Well, I wasn’t getting any results at first so I asked my g/f to listen for any differences the bi-wiring might be making. Nothing, however was coming out of my speakers no matter how high I turned up the volume knob.

So I asked her to listen closely to hear if she could detect any signs of life. As she pressed her ear against the woofer I bi-wired; I took the speaker wire with the red thing and the speaker wire with the black thing and touched them together. Well…. First let me say this: my girlfriend is OK. She’s fine, despite what she says. Two specialists have now confirmed what I had suspected all along: any damage to her hearing was minimal at worst.

Furthermore, although I admit that I have never used the word ‘Jeepers’ (not out loud anyway) I will swear to the day I die that this was not in any way meant to be sarcastic. What would you say after experiencing such a thunderous clap, and peeking around you speaker to find your girlfriend, who was not two seconds prior only millimeters away from the speaker, across the entire length of the room with feet peering over the upturned couch like two periscopes? ‘Jeepers’ is not entirely out of line. Furthermore, I wonder how she could have heard this if her hearing was really as damaged as she claims?! I did not, as she says, scream it. Also, I defend myself that I did not snicker as I lifted the sofa off of her body. What is funny about a blown woofer? I’m sure, when I noticed her chest beginning to heave up and down again that I may have smiled from happiness that she was alive, but snicker? Those were very expensive speakers.

The upshot is this: can someone tell me if I did something incorrect or if this was some problem with the system? I plan to bi-wire again soon. If anyone is in the LA area and would like to lend an ear, please let me know. (oh yeah, some of you may have read my post about the remote for the turntable I was seeking and wondering if this is the same girlfriend and yes, she is one in the same – the screamer. Again, my annoyance over her screaming at my turntable set up in no way inspired me to snicker at the very scary incident described above nor was it the very reason that I bi-wired in the first place. revenge is not worth avantguardes. i keep telling her this.)
I know this is totally irrelevant, but I once read that Elvis was watching TV and Wayne Newton was on performing. He blew out the screen with a shotgun. Talk about a video game! I hope there are no weapons in your home.
You know you guys are mean spirited;laughing at K's mis fortune(or his so ) I live near LA, I'd be happy to come over,and help you bi wire.After we're finished,I need somebody to hold the fan belt,while I start the motor and check my alternator.
To be honest, I don't find this funny at all; it is tragic. If that poor girl has any sense at all she will get a new boyfriend. How STUPID can you get? Man, if I did something that dumb I sure wouldn't broadcast it to the world. So how many of you audiophiles would consider a "minimal loss of hearing" no big deal??? If STUPIDITY were a crime my friend, you would get a life sentence. If I were in your girlfriend's shoes, I'd dump you cold and then sue your dumb ass. To be such an IDIOT and then brag to the world about it just blows me away. If they have confession in your religion you ought to go twice -- once is just not enough in your case! Good Luck -- I think you're going to need it.
Plato, this was the best response to my post of them all. i'm laughing so hard i can barely type!

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