Speaker dilema? Maggies, Newforms, or Merlins

I have had Rogers LS3/5a's for 25 years with complimenting Rogers sub-woofer. I have a Lazarus hybrid amp, CJ preamp, Nakamichi CD Player 1, Van den Hul The First interconnects, and Audioquest cables.
I am looking to change speakers. I have always been mesmerized by the openess, air, detail and soundstage of planars and ribbons. However, I have loved my Rogers for years. I would appreciate feed back on the above mentioned speakers.


Vince and Kurt echo my sentiments. When I first got into this hi-end business over 15 years ago I was much enamoured with the Maggies (2.6). The only problem I had with them was I didn't have the room to let them shine, they didn't have the dynamics I really was looking for and bass was not very good.

Since that time I have listened to bookoo speaker systems and a lot more live music, my real reference in these matters. The Merlins came to my attention on Audio Asylum based on the consistent comments concerning their virtues. Their shortcomings were primarily their ultimate bass performance and the requirement that system matching is critical but with the correct synergy they were capable of magic. I bought them and found that everything above is true. They are not a plug and play system but with the correct synergy of components they offer the best that hi-end has to offer IMHO. Are they the best? To some not. But they are honest transducers that can convey the feeling and nuance of music at the "real" level as close as anything I have heard anywhere close to their cost. They are indeed what I was looking for since not only were among the best I EVER heard, more importantly I could afford them.

Don't pass on any of these systems, the Newforms I haven't heard but good things. Music reproduction is not real or close to real so opinions will vary and only your own two ears can tell you what you need to know to make your decision. Take your time and LISTEN!!! Good luck and enjoy your journey.
In my communications with BBC monitor lovers and makers, the Quad electrostats are often used or mentioned with great favor. You might want to give them a listen, as well.

Tubegroover, I really don't understand people who keep on talking about the same speaker again and again. I think some might find those types boring and obnoxious. [:)]

Harbeth Charlie [:)]
Its a funny thing that you should pop up on this thread Charlie as I was thinking of you and that maybe the Harbeths might be a real good substitute for Steve's Rogers 3/5 which even by todays standards ain't too shabby. I only wish I had 3 or 4 systems like some guys so I wouldn't have to go on so with my Merlins everytime the opportunity presents itself :^)