Why pay "more" for USED??

Ok, I know you must be thinking this thread is titled wrong, but I just came across an Ebay ad where a pair of B&W Nautilus 802's sold for $8,101 used! To make matters worse they were all screwed up. It has pics of the midrange cabinet all scratched and the ad says the tweeters are dented. I'm beside myself on how someone could spend "over" retail (N802's retail for $8k) for a pair of used speakers that are f'd up anyway. If your spending $8k on speakers don't you do some research first??
Don't believe me? Here's the ad:
It gets better! i emailed the high bidder for the speakers and guess what? that's right, the email came back as not deliverable. SHOCKER!
I was watching that bid as well and i could not believe that the Nautious 802's went for more than list.
I emailed the person selling them as I had some dialog with the guy and asked him if he was actually going to take the guys money. TO date no answer.
the guy has been suspended from ebay. it's a damn shame, too. a damn shame. you can email him to express your sorrow and give your support. his name's robert morris and you need to go to the link below to send emails via ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1226445468
I was so curious about this auction and nervous as now I have a pair of B&W 805's on ebay, I emailed the seller and told them about this thread on audiogon. They were nice enough to respond. Here's what they said:
Thanks for sending the link ... I see our good customer bbroussard
was sticking up for us. Frankly we were astonished at that auction
ourselves, and nervous because we knew the speakers weren't worth
even close to that. We were answering emails the night before the
auction ended and telling people, "you don't want these speakers,
they are already too high".
I reported the high bidder to eBay and he now enjoys non-registered
status...of course he was bogus. B&W's (804s and 805s) have
generated some "interesting" auctions for us with frenzied, crazy
We are gonna put some 804s on soon, can't wait.
Music Room
Seems like reasonable sellers to me!
I screwed up: The BIDDER, not the seller (rober morris) was suspended from ebay. SO SORRY!!