Room too small - any suggestions

I have to temporarily relocate the music to a small room - 10w x 10d x 10h (so I guess it is a cube!). Seating position can be no further than 8 feet from the rear wall (due to room configuration).

System is Sony SCD-1 into BAT 3i and VK60 monoblocks. Yeah it is overkill but it isn't forever. My Vandys are way too big for the room and the bass is a major problem as I can't get much more than 18 inches from the side walls and 2 feet from the rear.

Any suggestions - mainly listen to Jazz. Prefer to keep it under $3K.

Pops: Pick up the pair of Rogers Ls3/5a's at this site (under $800.00) and have some fun until you get your main listening room back. A shoebox speaker for a shoebox room.
i too have a small listening room. i have a pair of silverline sr-16s. they are sitting on sand filled osiris 24s. i keep them at different distances from the corners, in a triangular set-up. they are only being driven with a single ended forty watt t.a. and i still overfill the room... but they still crank it out pretty good, with alot of detail. playing with the room seems to have the most effect now.
While I am awaiting a move to a larger room, rather than trade in my full range speakers, I opted for a room correction DSP, and some room treatments. It really is effective.
My experience with the Harbeth C7 ES, (as well as some other Harbeth users with less than "ideal" listening areas that I have talked to,) has not been what Paul relates. The design of this speaker was for use in the sound mixing rooms of BBC engineers who had to have pure voicing in order to properly create a soundtrack or record a live performance. These engineers work in chaotic rooms with mixing boards, desks, stools, etc.. and do not have the luxury of relaxing in a "sweet spot." There are some very good speakers that cannot perform in these environments.

My room could not be worse. It is 9 X 9, with a soft 10" drop ceiling. There is a large banker's desk and a metal lateral drawer file in this small space. It is carpeted. My Harbeths are flush to the rear wall and only about 6' apart with my furthest listening distance about 5'. I had a pair of very good JM Reynaud Arpeggiones (floor stander) that sounded terrible in this confined environment. The Harbeths are amazing in my room (on 24" stands.)

My system in listed in the Virtual Systems, I do not have the big guns, but I have no dogs, either. I played the double bass for 8 years. I know what it sounds like. This speaker, with it's 8" proprietary driver, reproduces it, as well as a magical mid and top, at "live" listening levels. The room does overload quickly if I were to listen to Van Halen at "live" levels, (so you've got me there.) But you might think Miles Davis is back from the dead. [:)]

I rest my case.

p.s. I actually have 3 dogs, but they require no electricity, and their tails still wag all the time.