Finally gonna buy new speakers, ideas?

I've broken down and am going to get new speakers. It's been a long time, but I think I'm ready to part with my old faithful Matrix 804s. I have auditioned a few lines, and am fortunate to live in LA now (only for the reason of having a lot of audio choices) so I can hear about anything I want. I have liked the N802s, 803s, Eggleston Isabels (with a REL sub). Didn't like the Aerial model (around 7-8K don't remember it). Thought the REVEL salon was a little thin. (maybe bad room acoustics in the store). I don't have a big experience with different speaker lines. I was so happy with the 804s for so long, they stayed and a lot else moved through the system.
I tend to listen to female vocals, acoustic stuff, Dave Matthews, Fiona Apple, love piano and strings, a fair amount of modern rock, and a moderate amount of classical piano, not much full orchestra, little to no hard rock/metal. I have been known to throw on some vintage Public Enemy from time to time.
I'll be driving them with a pair of Aleph 2s, with a Muse source and preamp. I'll have a pretty good sized listening room and it will be a dedicated 2 channel setting. If anyone has any input as to lines to check out that excel at the type of music I like- or just general all around performers, I'd be greatly appreciative. I'm trying to narrow my search to a few stores. (Traffic and all here in LA). I'd like to spend <10k retail. Thanks to all and happy listening,

Ag insider logo xs@2xtsquared
Two suggestions: ProAc Repsonse 3.8 and higher or
Dynaudio Contour 3.3 and higher. Great speakers.
Dynaudio's are somewhat inefficient and need lots of
quality amp power. ProAC's mate well w/ Pass gear. Read
some other threads of these two brands.
You would not go wrong with the Kharma Ceramique 1 (used,) the Alon Circe (used)or the new Audio Physic Avanti III's(8.5-9.5k).
Sorry. I suppose I shouldn't suggest anything so humble, but I have a pair of Clements 206 di's and they are great. However, they don't come close to reaching your price. The reason I suggest them is that mine are hooked up to an Aleph 30 (successor to the Aleph 3) and they are very well matched. I would imagine they would like other Alephs too. Clements has some slightly pricier models but they are very modest in comparison to the prices mentioned above. My suggestion would be to listen to them and ask the prices afterwards. I refer you to the Clements thread posted a little after yours. I can give you a location to listen to them in L.A. Don't know if I'm allowed to mention names here in the forum. Please e-mail me if you want.
Since you are in the LA area you should make a point to visit the Von Schweikert factory in El Cajon.It is about 1 and half hour from LA and demo the VR5s.This is a speaker that has been reviewed extremely well and just about all reviewers ended up keeping them as their reference speaker and they are in your price range.
I'll second the Dynaudio recommendation. The Contour 3.3s are excellent. Anyone looking to build a nice high-end setup owes it to themselves to take a listen. They are perfect for your price range.