Finally gonna buy new speakers, ideas?

I've broken down and am going to get new speakers. It's been a long time, but I think I'm ready to part with my old faithful Matrix 804s. I have auditioned a few lines, and am fortunate to live in LA now (only for the reason of having a lot of audio choices) so I can hear about anything I want. I have liked the N802s, 803s, Eggleston Isabels (with a REL sub). Didn't like the Aerial model (around 7-8K don't remember it). Thought the REVEL salon was a little thin. (maybe bad room acoustics in the store). I don't have a big experience with different speaker lines. I was so happy with the 804s for so long, they stayed and a lot else moved through the system.
I tend to listen to female vocals, acoustic stuff, Dave Matthews, Fiona Apple, love piano and strings, a fair amount of modern rock, and a moderate amount of classical piano, not much full orchestra, little to no hard rock/metal. I have been known to throw on some vintage Public Enemy from time to time.
I'll be driving them with a pair of Aleph 2s, with a Muse source and preamp. I'll have a pretty good sized listening room and it will be a dedicated 2 channel setting. If anyone has any input as to lines to check out that excel at the type of music I like- or just general all around performers, I'd be greatly appreciative. I'm trying to narrow my search to a few stores. (Traffic and all here in LA). I'd like to spend <10k retail. Thanks to all and happy listening,

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you MUST check out the JMLab line, especially their Utopia line...efficient, musical, natural...truly a "special" line of speakers. I looked and looked...finally bit the bullet and bought the Mezzo Utopias...think I'm set for life.
Dunlavy IVA or V would do justice to your equipment and good size room and you have budget for it!
Given your choice of music I think you might find them wonderful on female vocals. If possible get your amps down there or get the dealer to truck the SLs to your house. First, I sometimes find demonstrators turn up the mids too much on the SLs. This leads to a bit of sibilance that is unrealistic. Don't be afraid to have the demonstrator readjust the speaker - the SL is very flexible in this regard. One also has to have a fine front end to avoid exacerbating this problem. Second, it may take a bit of acclimatization of your ears to get used to the electrostatic bass. The perceptual mind set you need is - this a window on the bass instrument itself, rather than a recording of bass instrument plugged into another speaker and amplified into your room. I believe you will hear the overtones integrated into the instrument itself with the M2 better than the excellent cone speakers you mentioned. Am I being clear?
Be shure to check out Paradigm. I have a system with the Reference Active 40s, driven by a Antheum AVM2 preamp. They are awesome for theit price.
Do yourself a BIG favor and listen to some SoundLabs and buy used at $10K - a U2 cmodel, or U1 if you get lucky.