Speaker Grill Cloth, On or Off

I was wondering how many members use their speakers with grill cloth removed? I realize that speakers may have been voiced/designed by manufaturer with cloth in place, but this is just another variable that effects sound. I do it both ways and seem to get slightly more detail with cloth removed. I also wondered if dust becomes a problem with cloth removed, especially in tweeter.

Probably any home with children will have cloth in place, just too tempting to touch that shiny tweeter dome.
Anyway what are members approaches to this.
The wood veneer on my speakers look great with them off, but the sound gets brighter, so I leave them on.
Megasam: Easy answer to your question . When you have some really nice equipment you can hear slightly more detail to your sound. When listening to music take those grills off, when you are done put them back on to protect them and keep them dust proof. You said you could hear the difference when you took them of yourself. Enjoy your music the way you would like it best. Good luck.
Megasam, like you, I et more ambience on my Gen Vs with the grill off. However, I have to dust -- VERY CAREFULLY -- ever so often.
Take care with the dusting!!
I have the Dunlavy SC-5(s) with Audio Research electronics and without question the soundstage is more tightly focused and dynamic with the grills off. I am careful, however, to keep the grills on at all times other than when I'm doing some concentrated listening.
My Harbeth C7 have a "Supergrill" designed to stay on. (In fact, it is a bitch to get them off and peek under the hood.) I, like Dekay, tend to get fixated on beautiful round things, if I am not careful.

Are we cool now, Brittany?