iTunes setup with peripheral drive

I've set this up before, and everything has worked well. But not this weekend when I changed to a different HD with a new playlist.

I even went to the effort of a complete software reinstall on the 2007-2008 MacMini.

In iTunes advanced, I have pointed iTunes to the music file folder on the peripheral drive. But after that I cannot get iTunes to form the playlist for its library without copying the files from the peripheral HD back to the MacMini... grrr!

Your help in the procedure is incredibly appreciated.

:) listening,

Followup description of what I've done and what's not happening:

I have followed the iTunes directions and it won't "consolidate" the library as it should.

In iTunes' Preferences I have selected "Advanced" and under "iTunes Media folder location" I have iTunes pointing to the accurate file folder in my peripheral drive; that's the first task according to the rubric.

Then, as iTunes help directs, I have gone to File, Library, Organize Library, and clicked on Consolidate (which is what I'm supposed to do, and nothing happens, even after 20 minutes).

If I go to File, Library, Organize Library, Add to Library, it just wants to copy files to my Mini HD... which is what I do not want.



Now, for reasons unknown, it has created the Library Music list: but only part of the total series of music files: all the A albums, and part of the Bs... and then stopped.

I have Pure Music as a software... of course, not booted, but it's on the computer. I have only iTunes booted for this task.


Post removed 
I've switched drives a few times. My way of doing it is to copy the music to the new drive. Point iTunes to the new directory, as you have done. After that I just delete the current library, then I add library and point it to the new folder.