Best Monitor Up To 5K - Tube Friendly

I've put together a nice little home office system, but feel that my weakest link right is my monitors. This new system is: Cary SLI-80, Cary CD-303, Silverline SR15's, Soliloquy S-10 sub and Chang conditioner (DH Labs Q-10 biwire and Air Matrix).

Although I am extremely happy with the Silverlines, and they soundstage their ass off, I would like something with a much heavier bottom end. The office is rather smallish, about 11X16, and integrating the S-10 has been difficult.

My problem in bringing the S-10 up to around 70hz is that it makes it's location known. Two octaves in the other direction (50hz) and the thing vanishes. Since I do not have the liberty to mess around with placement, the only thing I can think to do is spend more $$$ on a better pair of monitors.

Let me know what some of you "fans" of this type setup think.


Marchman: I have the same electronics in my home office system. Using a Cardas golden cross IC to hook th SLI-80 to the CD303. I had Oval 9 biwire but I am using a homemade speaker cable at the moment. For speakers I have a pair of B&W 805N. The room is almost 20ft square with several bumps and shape changes, and a full cathedral ceiling. Unfortunately I have not tried any other speakers yet in this system, so I cannot compare. All I can say is the bass is good and the listening is very pleasureable, BUT: I am an audiophile, so as soon as I can justify it, I will start trying other speakers. The oldest thing in this system is the speaker set, almost three years!
I don't think I have helped you much, but I think it would be reasonable for you to try a pair of 805Ns in your might like it.
Marchman: You might want to audition PMCs TB-1, about 16" high. They go down to 40Hz because of their transmission line. They are rated at about 90 db sensitivity. These little guys always amaze me. Very neutral, originally designed as professional monitors.

BTW, how do you like your DH Labs Q-10s I've been thinking of upgrading my T-14s?
Try to find a pair of pre-owned REFERENCE 3a ROYAL MASTERS (just the monitor portion of LA SUPREMA) for under $2000. 92db efficient, musical, fast and correct. Acutally serves as a great monitor for studio work. Altough no longer in my reference system (I use AVANATGAREGE DUOS Version 2.1), I will never sell the ROYAL MASTERS. Great stuff!