I am Not hurting anything right ??

I have a pair of Sonus Faber Concertinos that have bi wire posts. I have Bi wire Cable but have told NOT to Bi wire these Speakers. so I left the jumpers on the back and pluged in the cable as normal(standard bi wire configuration). Speakers sound great. But am I running any risk as to damaging the speakers?

Best Regards
Bi-wire or not depends on how your speaker crossover is designed. A well designed speaker crossover does not benefit from bi-wiring.

A not so well designed crossover feeds back EMF to the amplifier thus splitting the crossover into 2 or more sections REDUCES this effect. A well design gets this phenomena correct thus bi-wiring mokes little or NO difference.

Just an example, Dunlavy does not recommend bi-wiring but puts 2 sets of binding posts on his speakers so not to piss his customers away.

On the other hand if you open up a Thiel speaker, there are 2 or 3 boards inside, one for each of the low, mid, high frequencies and still the speaker is not bi/tri wireble.

I have personally had experienced on certain speakers, bi-wiring DOES make a hell lot of difference and on some hardly any.

One word of advice.....get rid of those jumpers. Make your own using the cable of your choice. Jumpers they provide are usually crappy. Bi-wire or not, you have to deceide. I have not much experience on SF speakers but heard that they are not recommended (correct me if I'm wrong) for bi-wiring.

Hope it helps.
I was told by the distributor that the biwire posts were added due to market pressure. From what I understand the manufacturer does not recommend biwiring. ( Their new models can not be bi wired.) I guess I need to reterminate my cables however I thought with the jumpers+the biwire cable I was essentialy doing the same thing.

No harm to leaving the jumpers in (unless as some people say, you will benefit from replacing them with a small length of speaker wire). I doubt seriously that you need to reterminate your cables. If your speakers are bi-wireable (because thats what the market wants), it cant hurt to take the jumpers out and use them that way. You may even find you like them better bi-wired. But if you prefer the sound with the jumpers in and all four cable ends attached (belts and suspenders), use them that way and dont worry about it.
In response to Sdcampbell and KennyT, as a matter of fact you DON'T feed a full range signal to both terminals in a bi-wire configuration. Through some unexplained phenomenon (I'm being serious), the crossovers somehow limit the frequencies being transmitted through the cable. The effects have been measured, it's a interesting occurance. The only frequency being delivered at the same level to both terminals is the frequency point between the crossovers between the terminals themselves.
In response to your question, you are not hurting your speakers in the current setup, but you might be hurting your amplifier. Your amp sends out power over two cables to the + terminal, and the wire is shorted out when it gets there, its like connecting two wires together at the end. Could cause some type of mismatch or something if the wires are not exactly the same or whatever. Not a big risk so don't worry too much.