new system for beginner

i am not terribly familar with hi quality stereo equipment. i am looking to build my first system though. i am mostly interested in buying used quality equipment. i do not have a lot of room to fill and i only listen to cds. i am wondering what the good brands are to with. speakers are the area of most concern and i haveno idea what to look for. if this is too novice of a thread i understand. my knowledge is limited and i have to start somewhere. thanks for any help.
Just so all of you know, i am paying attention and i check this thread almost everyday. i am serious about putting together a system, so be certain that your time and energy is not wasted. I appreciate all the comments and diferent viewpoints. i have another question now. a friend of mine listens to very similar music and he recently got a pair of JM Lab speakers. they are not floor models or on stands but they amazing to my ear. i am not sure of the model number. so i guess my question is, just how good are JM Lab speakers? are they something i should consider? thanks again.
You answered your own question, they are amazing to your ear. Concensus statistics aren't what sit in your chair and listen. Of course you can't always hear a component first hand in your system, so you have to trust them sometimes, but first hand experience will always trump them. First hand in someone else's sytem isn't *absolutly* ideal, but it's still your experience.
Oh, and if you haven't already, take a look around the speaker forums. If you haven't found the advice you are looking for, ask, and make sure you mention your system (or proposed system} and price range. You'll get a wider response starting a thread in the designated forum.
As a fellow beginner, i can relate to your problem. One thing i can tell you is you must be patient. If you have a local audio club, find out about it. A member of a local club of mine has given me tons of good advice. Do lots of research. Read lots of reviews, ask alot of questions, and listen to as many different components as possible. Find out what you like and don't like, then look for the best deal you can. I think i have done well using this stradegy. And remember, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.

I'd pick up an old Pioneer SX-950 or SX-1050 receiver. Lots of pure power, excellent tuner and has A/B switch to operate two pairs of speakers should you want to expand. You'll find them on eBay for $100-$200. Made in the 70s, but real workhorses. Heavy, too.

The Yamaha CDC-765 is a decent CD changer (5-disc)for the money ($300). The Sony 80ES equivalent is also nice. Both offer random play, so you can sit back and enjoy. If you want a single tray player, there are tons to choose from. If you stumble upon a used CAL DX-1, snatch it up. Good unit for around $150.

Bookshelf speakers? Check out the reviews for the DIY model
on You can get them from EFE Technology as a kit($350) or Ed Frias will build them for you. Superb
sound from a speaker at this price.

This scenario puts you into a good system for around $800.
Won't take long for the upgrading bug to bite !

Nashville, TN