The best Subwoofer

Starting a new thread here...Independent what is the very best subwoofer out there? This is intended to be a detailed discussion and no one's opinion should be bashed!
I have a hard time believing that the REL Storm III would not be mentioned. I have added two Rel Storm III's to complement my Spendor SP-100 Speakers, and I have been astonished with the result.

The REL's have the adjustability that many Sub's lack IMHO.

Agreed with the Rel..All the Rel (Storm and above) are very musical. The 3 major ones that I have listed to are the Velodyne HGS-15, Rel Stadium III, and the Aerial Acoustics..I was kinda waiting on someone to write about these before I give my thoughts ;)
I never thought I would find happiness with a sub-woofer working with the Apogee Divas, but a Muse 18 using the Diva "personality card" brings the Divas alive. Integration is spot on. The Muse company still makes the custom cards available for a wide range of speakers even though the sub is discontinued. The 18 provides three adjustments; level, dampening and delay. The latter allows exact integration with the satellite speakers. Hmm, seems odd to call the Divas satellites.
