Spica TC 50 Question s

I recently re-invigorated my audio interests, big time. I'm using an Adcom 535 II amp, Parasound PHP 850 pre amp, and Spica TC 50's. The system sounds great (cd player is a Cambridge CD4 SE) and my research tells me I really don't need to upgrade the speakers, which I purchased 13 years ago and are in perfect condition. I find the bass response is lacking while the imaging is great. I'd like more punch in the sound at lower volume levels.

Any suggestions as to how I can acheive this ? Subwoofer (I've seen the Velodyne mentioned) ? Better speaker wire (I'm using basic 14 year old monster cable at present). Anything else ?Thanks for any help that can be offered.
Hi Fredman ... different thread, but I can also respond to this one. I own spica angelus and I had the same problem ... wonderful midrange and imaging (thrashed Spendor s3/5 in imaging) but not enough "drive" to get my toes tapping.

I added a REL Strata3 and now the system sounds absolutely great. The downside was that, even used, it cost $800. Add the $800 to the $250 you'd get for the tc-50s and you'd have over $1000 to throw at new (or used) main speakers. It's a real trade-off, since $1000 buys some good speakers. I have seen kef reference 103.4 and Epos es-25s for less than $1000 used, both of which would probably beat the tc-50 + sub combination, IMHO.

So in summary a REL strata 3 will definitely give you the bass and drive you want, but unfortunately at quite a high cost relative to the rest of your system. On the other hand reselling the REL is extremely easy, so it won't really cost you $800 if you sell it in the future.
Thanks for your responses...I'm gonna have to try and find a better subwoofer match as an $800 expenditure for the REL will cause severe marital problems. I've gotten good reports on the PSB, Paradigm, and others, although I dont know what will match the Spicas . And theres the speaker wire issue as well........
Something like Audioquest Type 6 or CV 6 will improve many things here including much better bass. I would also consider re-doing the crossover with better parts and rewiring internally. I've done a pair of TC-50s and the results were astounding. Better caps and wire will do the trick. These are real sleepers and may make you reconsider the sub.
Spica made a subwoofer to match the TC50's ... VERY difficult to find (only used of course), but may be worth the effort. Check www.audioasylum.com ; someone there recently purchased a pair of these subs and has been having trouble setting them up. He is not using TC50's and may consider selling the subs (worth a try!).

Mission (of England) made some 8" and 10" subs for around $250. You might find one used. They got great reviews. I would probably have got one, but they didn't cross over low enough to be mated with the Angelus (my crossover is set at 27Hz !). However I think they would probably mate with the TC50 since I can't imagine it goes below 50Hz.

Jeffs idea is also good ... especially since you'll be able to tell your wife that the tc-50 + spica sub set would be very saleable, and so really you're "investing" in the subwoofers, not chasing audio nirvana :-)