Lateral move or real upgrade?

Just starting to listen to computer-stored audio. Have a first gen V-DAC used with a V-Link 192. Using a Kimber USB from MacBook Air to V-Link and StereoVox coax digital cable from V-Link to V-DAC. Did upgrade the power supply on the V-DAC.

Am wondering if changing the V-DAC to a Schiit Bifrost would be an upgrade or just a lateral move. Preferred budget sub-$500.

All constructive input welcome but would really appreciate hearing from folks that have been able to compare these two. Thanks in advance.
Thanks to all for input.
Rotarius - I did upgrade the power supply. Snipped off the wire and connector from the V-DAC wall wart and connected it to a Pyramid PS3KX3 power supply. Been using that for some time now. Messing around with ICs right now. I can definitely hear differences in high end extension between two pair I had on hand. Maybe different ICs (and possibly software, as you and others suggest) would be better than changing out hardware. Still tempted, however....

Willie - If I did the BiFrost I was planning to get the analogue upgrade but not USB. Would use V-Link for USB to Coax instead.

Thanks again to all.
Don't see any problem with that - if works for your current config then it should be ok with the Bifrost. Saves you $150 as well :-)

What computer are you using?
Does it have optical out?
e.g. the headphone socket on current mac's is dual use for optical out also - you just need the 3.5mm optical adapter from ebay

I've tried both USB and optical on my mac and cannot tell any difference, except that the mac has an upper limit of 24/96 on the optical out for some reason only known to Apple.

I would think you would have to go beyond the Bitfrost to get a substantial benefit over your V-DAC, V-Link, power supply combination.

I would invest in a software playback program prior to upgrading DAC.
Hello again, Willie. Using a Macbook Air. No optical out unless headphone jack can do double duty with an adapter as you indicate.
Just looked it up and the macbook pro has it, but not the air

The v-link is your best option - stick with that
