Stay W/B&W 805's or goto a bigger speaker

Please help with any feedback. I have a Proceed PRE & a Classe' Ca100 amp. My CD player is Ultech UCD-100 and I have a Velodyne fsr-12 sub. I'm trying right now it without the sub in place. I'm not really sure what is the best way to hook it up.Also instead of buying extra cables to hook up the sub, would it be better to just buy bigger speakers? Also I would like to buy bal. cables to the amp, but if I hook up the sub inbetween the amp and pre I would have to go unbal.
Thanks for any answers, Jim
Just want to thank everyone. Here's another thing to throw into the picture. The speaker cables I'm using are Monster cable 2.4 biwire. And the interconnects are a Monster M1000i between the pre and amp. And a Monster 850 from the cd player to the pre. Maybe this is part of the problem. The soundstage is wide but not everything in it is precise.And what is the best way to hook up the sub. Mrowlands,I think is on the right track.
Thanks Jim
Jim, you could use the Monster ICs (it sounds like they're RCA) for the Velodyne and get decent cables for CD to Pre to Power. Your system is worthy of cables as per bmpnyc, but if you're new to this, you need to be aware that cables in this league can sound significantly different from each other and, if you're accoustics/hearing is good enough, cables like the Harmonic Tech can sound horrible until they're broken in. Which reminds me, although cables can help here, if you're having problems with soundstage and image, make sure your speaker and listening positions are optimized and then check into some accoustic treatments (plenty of info on the net and in books for this). Check out the Cable Company for renting cables to compare. Good luck and have fun.
Jim, M Rowlands is on the money with his advice. It does take patience and perserverence to break in cables, as they don't usually sound very good for 85-200 hours, although of course some can occasionally sound good right away. Try to optimize speaker position first. Monster 2.4's are a very nice introduction to the improvements good cables can bring, but your ability to discern details in sound reproduction will keep evolving and you will definitely hear significant improvements when you upgrade. Recently I added two 5X3 pieces of acoustic foam($80) to the spot where the first reflections of sound hits my wall, and now all dialogue and vocals are much easier to decipher, best $80 I ever spent on audio.