Your Perfect Office System?

If you wanted good background music with a bit of dynamic for a wide range of music styles, what would be your perfect ofice system: amp/receiver, cd player, FM tuner, speakers?
Bud, when I had an office I used a Linn Classik and ProAc Tablette 2000 speakers. I happen to work from a home office now so my system doesn't bother co-workers and I rather enjoy it. I assembled it from components previously in my main rig and some gear bought here on AudioGon. My system isn't perfect but I like it:

Oracle Alexandria turntable, MMT arm, Grado Platinum cartridge

Atlantic Reference series 5-shelf stand (mahogany)

Cambridge Audio K-500 Isomagic Isolation Platform (under the CD player)

Audio Refinement Complete CD player (with remote)

Audio Refinement Complete tuner

Classe Audio Model Thirty preamplifier (with phono stage and remote, EAR feet)

Classe Audio DR-8 amplifier (EAR feet)

Martin Logan Aerius bi-wire speakers (3 Audio Selection spikes under each speaker)

Sony KV1326R 13" television, wall mounted swivel stand

Philips CDR765 CD Recorder (remote control)
Classik T is the winner with whatever small monitor you like. Rogers, Spendors, you know the drill.
No need for such a huge investment in a small office. I have a NAD 370 with a pair of bookshelf Boston VR series. Great sound.