Best Speaker under 31 inches tall

I want to put a speaker on top of the refrigerator...Its 31.5 inches to the ceiling...I'm running Gershman RX 20 for
my main speakers..Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Taking the question into consideration, my "final answer" would be Bose 901's. Sean
I'm intrigued.........

Why would you ever need/want to put a speaker on top of a refridgerator?? If you do, should you worry about shielding?? Vibration?? I guess not, thus why the prior responses are so cynical!
kennyt is right. sean & kirk, you guys are really impolite. so tony, let me make sure i've got your configuration down. you want a center channel only for the top of the fridge, which you apparently use as a very clever ht monitor? i'd just get another gershman and turn it sideways. cut off the overhang and cover the scar with decorative paper. see -cfb
Shame on you Sean! Everyone at this web-site knows "BOSE" is a four letter word. Even people that don't frequent this web-site know "BOSE" is a four letter word. As a matter of fact, I pity anyone who thinks "BOSE" is anything more or less than a four letter word. Hope this helps:~)